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Adult Pay Per View No Longer Confined to Hotel Rooms

It used to be that watching a sex film in your room could only be accomplished while on vacation in a hotel that offered Adult pay-per-view services directly to your room via a special cable box. With the advancement of streaming media technologies and the expansion of broadband Internet connection to nearly every house in America, adult payperview channels are now offered directly through customers’ computers.

When you think about it, the adult pay-per-view model makes sense for both adult content producers and consumers alike. Customers benefit by only having to pay for movies they actually watch, without having to pay exorbitant prices for complete DVDs they may only watch in parts once. Similarly, adult payperview business models allow production houses greater control over the access to their exclusive content, and helps limit piracy and unauthorized duplication and re-distribution of their movies.

With digital cable and streaming media converging onto the nation’s televisions in the near future, it seems that the adult pay per view model is here to stay, which should be welcome news to all sectors of the porn industry.

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