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Adult Sex Videos Caused Fatal Coronary on Jacko’s Missing Terrier

SAUSALITO, CA — Twinkle Toes, the late Michael Jackson’s 15-year old terrier was found dead in an adult store in Sausalito, California. The deceased pet was discovered tethered by chains in the backdoor of “Kiss And Tell”, a neighborhood adult sex shop. The dog was placed three feet from a fifteen inch LCD tv monitor that played a loop of adult sex videos while the store opened shop. The sexual acts committed on the screen must have disturbed the old animal so much that it had a coronary attack and passed away unnoticed.

A friend of the Jackson family, who requested his name to be witheld, visited the adult store and recognized the missing pooch. Unfortunately, the day after the friend came back with Jackson’s mother, they found that the dog had already transpired.

This news came weeks after the death of Jackson last August. The Jackson family had been searching in vain for the dead man’s favorite dog. The household help believed that the dog somehow left the three acre Jackson estate after police has broke inside the mansion. The commotion must have scared off the beloved pet leading him to wander in the Sausalito neighborhood where the adult store owner found it.

It is yet to be clear whether the Jackson family will press charges on the adult shop owner who found the dog. According to one member of the family, she didn’t think a dog should be subjected to watch almost 24 hours of adult sex videos everyday. The Jackson estate can sue the adult shop owner with animal cruelty and kidnapping.

Michael Jackson, Jr. was a real estate magnate who owned a successful chain of pet grooming stores and whose name was often mistaken as the King Of Pop who also died in August.

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