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Adult Video On Demand Thwarts Assault

(Note: The names of the people involved in this story have been changed in order to protect their privacy.) Everybody has had to deal with an overprotective brother when trying to date a girl. Twenty three year old Jeremy barely survived an epic ass kicking from the borderline insane sibling of the girl he loves. He would have been lying in a hospital now, in a coma, had it not been for some adult video on demand.

Jeremy met Clarisse in school that semester, and they got along perfectly. Jeremy knew that there was no other person in the world for him, and he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. Jeremy, unfortunately, was one of the rare people who knew why Clarisse, an attractive and smart twenty two year old girl had remained single all her life. Her brother Beau, a huge guy with a very short fuse, had driven away any boy who has ever dared to ask Clarisse out, sometimes in a violent fashion. Jeremy nearly found that fact out first hand, had it not been for a very familiar common interest.

Beau it turned out was a very big fan of adult websites and frequented them as often as possible. Though he never really could afford membership and his parents, what with their iron clad morals, would disown him if they discovered that their baby boy had discovered such worldly pursuits. Jeremy, on the other hand, was not a big fan of these adult websites, but he was a huge computer whiz.

Upon learning of his supposed significant other’s rather porn inclined sibling, Jeremy decided to spring into action. He was cracking codes and downloading passwords and doing what hackers do best. While Jeremy was totally against such a course of action, for him, there seemed to be no other option left. The moment was at hand.

He knocked on his lady love’s door, and surely enough, Beau opened and stood by the doorway, fists clenched and ready to rumble. With a shaking hand, he gave the ape like brother a piece of paper, containing usernames and passwords to tall his favorite porn sites. Beau’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.

It’s been several months now, and Beau and Jeremy had gotten to be good friends, and Jeremy’s relationship with Clarisse is heading into the right direction. The moral of the story, you ask? Never underestimate the uniting powers of porn.

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