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Adult Videos Destroy Communication Gap

With the Internet widely responsible for bringing the entire world together in one global community, at least one person believes that much of the credit belongs to adult videos. Adam Hughes is that person. Hughes is what many refer to as a “full time activist”. Friends and acquaintances verify that since Hughes has been in college, he has been switching from cause to cause on a monthly basis. His latest project is to further “porn rights”.

A product of an affluent family, Hughes has dedicated all his time to getting porn recognized as the new universal language. Hughes says that this breakthrough dawned upon him after a quiet night of downloading videos. “I noticed that while certain movies are getting adequate hits, it’s only the porn ones that are taking up the majority. From nearly all countries, too! In a time like this, don’t we all need a unifying factor more than ever?”

Hughes has attempted to spread his message through various means. He has been lobbying “porn rights” in many campus meetings and organizations and has tried to earn the support of many organizations. Sadly, he has yet to find an individual who shares his vision. “It’s that sort of narrow-mindedness that keeps our world in a state of division. If everyone would just forget looking at the superficial and get right into the essence of porn, then they’ll understand what I mean.”

Hughes has even tried holding a seminar for his cause. The original program included him showing a few porn movies and then he would speak about the unifying impact of porn. This plan backfired, though, as people started leaving after they have relieved themselves during the film showing. “I find what happened that day extremely repulsive. But I will not give up. Porn deserves recognition. I’m not stopping until this matter has been looked at by the United Nations itself!”

What’s surprising about all of this is that people within the porn industry seems to refuse to take Hughes seriously. A representative from a well known porn production company shared his company’s stand on “porn rights” and Mr. Hughes. “The porn industry already has low credibility. We believe collaborating with Mr. Hughes would only serve to hurt that credibility even more. However, we do wish Mr. Hughes the best of luck with his quest.”

It has not been confirmed if Hughes has spoken to any of the people from the United Nations.

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