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WWE Biggest Nights Considered Amateur Pay Per View

While the WWE puts out monthly pay per view shows, it boasts four top PPVs a year. The annual 30 man spectacle the Royal Rumble, the granddaddy of them all, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, and the upcoming Survivor Series. The yearly Thanksgiving tradition for all wrestling fans though has been labeled by many mat watchers as an amateur pay per view. The world’s top wrestling federation, despite being an international entertainment powerhouse, has been suffering somewhat of a creative drought over the past few years. The decline of this once innovative company has been attributed to the loss of two of its biggest stars, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock, and the rise of lesser caliber stars like John Cena.

This year’s Survivor Series offers two triple threat world title main event matches from Raw and Smackdown. Many have cried foul over this decision to put both brands’ world titles in the same kind of match, claiming that finally the WWE has run out of ideas. To those who are not inclined to this branch of sports entertainment, a triple threat match is when three wrestlers fight at the same time and the first person who pins any of his opponents or makes him tap out wins. The WWE’s top two shows, Raw and Smackdown, each have a world champion. These titles are defended usually in high profile matches in the monthly PPVs. The storylines for each title usually has a certain unique characteristic, and usually each brand stays away from what the other is doing.

This year, however, both titles are to be defended in the same type of match in one night much to the chagrin of long time fans. “It’s a very silly way of doing things. The triple threat match is one of the most exciting matches in wrestling, but to have two in one night? There’s no way that they could pull it off properly.”

A representative of the WWE however, countered these complaints. “Look at the card. In one match, you have the Undertaker defending the world heavyweight title against the world’s largest athlete, the Big Show and perhaps the best wrestler in the business today, Chris Jericho. In another, John Cena, who may be limited athletically but can deliver an entertaining match, defends his WWE title against both members of Degeneration X, Triple H and Shawn Michaels. You have at least two future hall of famers in each match!”

Fans will have to catch the Survivor Series to find out if these critics are once again wrong.

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