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The Internet’s Best Porn Pay-Per-View Network

If you were to ask supernatural expert Bruce Hexler, he would tell that there is a general unrest in the spirit world. He also claims that there is something evil on the rise, and it is rooted in the best pay porn sites on the Internet. Hexler encourages everyone to switch to free porn sites instead.

“This is not a morality thing” according to Hexler when he was accused of being anti-porn. “I have a firm grasp of my own sexuality and respect the physical and emotional needs of others. I would be a hypocrite if I discourage people from enjoying any form of adult content. All I’m saying is that there are certain porn sites that I have sensed to be carrying evil intentions rather than the exploitation of the flesh.”

Hexler is well-known in the supernatural community since the legendary Peoria exorcism back in 1998. Since then, many people from the Western and Mid-state areas of the United States have sought Hexler’s advice on all paranormal matters. Hexler has been making tours in several local libraries and book stores in an attempt to open up many people’s eyes. His recent campaign, however, has been focused on getting people to stop patronizing pay porn sites.

“I have sensed a great many things wrong in cyberspace. These sites, there is something terribly wrong with them. I still am not able to pinpoint which sites exactly are sending out these negative energies, but what I have noticed that they are all coming from paid sites. I believe these energies keep people bound to their computers, spending their money on relatively meaningless things. These energies develop addictions, and it’s a slow death of the human soul. I implore everyone that if you cannot avoid porn, at least avoid certain sites!”

Hexler firmly believes that the demons at work behind these sites are targeting the lonely individuals’ souls. In fact, the vigilant spiritualist is already in the process of assembling a team to stop the evil from spreading further. “I only pray that I am not too late. There are literally hundreds of sites to sift through, and the materials I have are limited at most. I have been contacting some of my former colleagues from the previous cases I have worked on, and a few from the IT industry. We will fight this evil, I swear it!”

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