Ross is a college freshman from Columbus, Ohio who has convinced himself that his life now hangs in the balance, and salvation lies only in the creation of the world’s best porn site. It started when he was in high school, as reported by his friends and family. Ross, a self confessed techie, is the type of guy who would spend hours upon hours playing World of Warcraft, totally shunning himself from human interaction. At least the traditional kind of human interaction.
But, as he hit college, he had made an online friend who also attended the same community college that he was in. It was the perfect friend for him, they enjoyed the same things and shared a mutual distrust and disillusionment with the rest of the human population. That distrust was solidified when Ross saw his friend get picked on and ultimately beat up by a bunch of jocks who claimed a severe dislike for their unconventional way of living.
Guilt ridden for not being able to do anything to help out his friend, Ross has now made it his quest to pay tribute to not just his friend, but to everyone like him, those who choose to live in a world of pure escapism, because the real world is just downright ugly. The best way, Ross has deduced, to do this was to create a porn site that would connect all geeks like him.
“It is technically a porn site, but it’s more than that” Ross said in a recent interview for his school paper. “For people like me, this is the closest thing to intimacy that we can get. The movies may contradict this, but a lot of guys like me actually prefer this over the real thing. Guys like me, we’re very misunderstood, and a lot of times misrepresented. Is doing what makes us happy really unhealthy? Just because we don’t follow with certain expectations from society, we suddenly have a problem? I’m confused.”
A lot of people have slowly started showing support for Ross, thinking his cause is a noble one. But how will Ross accumulate such a large amount of porn that he can put in the website? “I have sources. I have people who believe in what I do, who know how I feel.”
Currently, Ross is steadily building up a strong support bas