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Black Porn Pay Sites Are Not Just for the Brothas

Of course, you must be thinking, black porn pay sites were created by the online adult industry when they recognized that with all the Malibu blondes and white-male dominated porn movies out there, there was underserved market for horny blacks that wanted to see more Nubian lust shown in smut. But in reality, while it was certainly driven by the industry’s desire to make black porn pay, the ebony niche market caters to a wide range of racial backgrounds, including blacks, whites, and Hispanics (not sure why, but most Asians seem a bit standoffish about black porn).

Pay per view business models have lent to the establishment of this niche market, as they lend themselves to a user browsing model that is dependant on providing exactly what kind of specific porn category to each viewer that comes to their offerings of black porn. Pay per view sites that fail to deliver on niche markets fail to offer enough value-incentive to justify paying for bundles of minutes to watch in multiple 5-10 minute sessions. The substantial size of the consumer market for black porn pay sites has made it an obvious niche for all categorized adult media sites, and there is no doubt that both the models, the niche, and the content itself has become a cornerstone of any site claiming “mega”, “super”, or “comprehensive” status.

10 Years ago the idea of making black porn pay might have flown right over the heads of most adult industry executives, who only saw the value of selling scenes of airbrushed blondes and brunettes with silicone tits fucking a well-built white guy. Now that the Internet has forced them to accept the wide range of fetish diversity demanded by consumers, even ebony porn is being divided into subcategories of itself, with interracial, big dicks, big butts, and other fantasy role playing themes evolving from the genre.

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