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Interview with Black Porn Male Stars Reveal Fave Superhero.

Forget Batman, or Superman, or Spider-man or Iron Man. When you get down and talk to the most popular male stars of black porn, they’ll tell you the Luke Cage is the best superhero out there. A recent survey has confirmed this fact.

While Luke Cage has not enjoyed the same amount of mainstream popularity like his fellow Avengers teammates, Cage has been turning heads in the comic book world since the 1970s. Initially known as Power Man, the Hero for Hire, Cage paraded around in a loose yellow top and a tiara and afro, making him somewhat a byproduct of blaxploitation.

As the years went by, however, Cage proved to be a deep and interesting character, and his inevitable partnership with Iron Fist (a pairing so popular they had their own comic book series entitled Power Man and Iron Fist) Cage was a B-level character that seemed ready to be put on the A list. When Brian Michael Bendis pretty much took over all of Marvel comics’ writing responsibilities, he tapped Luke Cage’s potential, putting him alongside Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and at the center of every important storyline since.

When asked about the reason behind finding Luke Cage to be their favorite superhero, the adult stars insisted that it went beyond the color of skin. “Of course, having a black superhero throwing down with Skrulls alongside Captain America is something that’s really cool, but everyone forgets that we already have the Falcon to play that part. Luke Cage is his own man.”

Another star offered insight: “Cage is just different from most of them. He got shit on a lot for wearing that stupid costume back then, but these days, he’s all about the street clothes. He’s got the respect of his ‘hood, the community he strives to protect and keep safe. The way he’s presented, it’s like he wouldn’t do anything differently even if he didn’t have invulnerable skin and super strength. That’s just the type of guy he is.”

Other honorable mentions among the survey include Batman, The Green Lantern, Steel, Deadpool, and Aquaman. For some reason, the majority of them don’t care much for Wolverine. “There’s nothing impressive about a guy with indestructible bones and a healing factor. Without all of that shit, he was a pussy!”

The recent survey was conducted by researchers in an attempt to breakdown the mentality and demographic of avid comic book readers.

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