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Fee Porn Influences the Feeble Minded

The nefarious scheme behind fee porn or pay porn has been revealed. While the majority of the world seems uninfluenced by these pornographic materials, our sources confirm that the proliferation of paid porn is actually a part of a global conspiracy to thin out the human race to its more intelligent beings.

It is believed that the previous difficulties the world has been dealing with like wars and recession and sickness have all been due to one thing, and that cause is the rapid decline of education worldwide. Simply put, the human population has been getting dumber generation after generation. Despite the amazing leaps in technology, the majority of the worldwide populace is as dumb as ever, with IQs scoring an all time low. A secret organization has been formed to combat this threat, and porn is just their latest attempt to wipe out the human race’s intellectually inferior members.

Our reliable source, who was scared to death at the prospect of his identity being revealed, disclosed that this organization has started out carrying out their mission with subliminal messages from TV. These messages were designed to convince viewers to pursue more intellectual endeavors. However, their plan failed since the apparent dumbness of popular television over the past ten years has been too overpowering that the subliminal messages simply failed to penetrate.

The overwhelming influence of pop music also drowned out any attempts of this secret organization to improve the quality of life for all listeners, and at that point the organization decided to shift gears. Instead of getting the populace to get smarter, the organization deemed that it was just a matter of getting rid of the stupid folk that would ensure the intellectual longevity of the human race.

And that is where porn comes into the picture. Apparently the organization targeted fee porn because they consider the mediums audience the most dangerous types of people on Earth: stupid people with money. Poor stupid folk were easy to dispose of while rich stupid folk usually find themselves in positions of power and affect the direction of the entire world. Our source reported that the porn videos affect the minds of those who are considered to be, by the organization’s own classification, “intellectually unfit to live”. Secret messages from these porn videos actually start deteriorating the feeble mind, and with months of regular viewing, the brain just ceases to function.

So if you’re one of those jock types who use their looks and physique to breeze through academics… beware!

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