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Purple Dinosaur Rumored To Have Full Length Porn Videos.

He’s known worldwide for bringing a world of cheer to children everywhere, with his songs of love and education. This six foot tall marketing tool might be conquering the world of adult films with a series of full length porn videos for the benefit of those who have for the longest time aspired to see a purple dinosaur getting it on.

While no one has confirmed reports on the details of the project, there has been word going around that a major adult film production company is planning to make an epic saga trilogy a la Star Wars and it is rumored to star the icon. While it can be easily dismissed as a joke to throw off the press, the porn industry has not been any shy about displaying its propensity for coming out with the weirdest scenarios and parodies. From cult favorites to timeless cinema classics, no pop culture icon is safe from being turned into sleazy but fun material for the imaginative people of the porn industry. Why would characters from children’s shows be spared?

The aforementioned purple dinosaur, while still not named to be the subject of the rumored project, has been the butt of many jokes in other forms of media, for its overly saccharine quality that somehow children could not detect. The marketing machine pushing this trademarked monster has raked in millions of dollars despite, for many adults, not having a shred of intellectual or entertainment value whatsoever. A little girl who goes exploring or a street full of friendly puppets, even adults think all that is funny and precious. A purple dinosaur with an annoying voice and even more annoying presence? It’s only a wonder that the porn industry had not poked fun at such an obvious a target earlier.

The scale of the project though, and with its more unusual than usual premise, is what’s driving the rumors. Based form initial reactions, this is a project that audiences want to see come to fruition, if nothing else, for the novelty of witnessing how such a feat would be executed. Many are also curious about the backlash of such a project. With the potential of kids (and some less than liberal parents) would accidentally view this under the false assumption of it being the real deal, the ramifications of such a project would be priceless. The media set into a frenzy by a mere porn video would be considered by many as one hell of a publicity stunt.

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