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Hot Porn Movies Threatened?

Being a multi-billion dollar industry with a massive fan base spanning around the globe, it is highly unlikely to believe that the porn industry could experience a downfall. After all, with a product that caters to one of Man’s primal urges, the porn industry provides a commodity that cannot be replaced by other things (besides real sex, of course). However, with the world making leaps and bounds forward in technology, all possibilities are being explored, including the eradication of what many people believe to be nothing but filth.

A device is now being attached to computers that not only blocks hot porn movies, but automatically deletes them. It comes in the form of something similar to a flash drive, but has a few controls for security setting. It works by releasing a sophisticated virus that wipes out all porn and porn-related material in one’s entire network. The device cleans up the network, and then installs firewalls and several other security measures to keep porn from getting in.

The developers of the device, aptly named the Network Purifier, say that the product is still far from a hundred percent but they are working diligently to make sure that the device is in mass production by March next year. “Right now, the biggest problem we have is that the software remains too effective” says Mark Peters, one of the project’s main developers. “It still has trouble differentiating what we call innocent files, and there are cases that it deletes legitimate documents. These are minor kinks, of course.”

The device deletes all types of adult material, from videos to pictures, to dirty jokes and erotica. The developers primarily are targeting offices as their market, but of course its uses in schools and homes. Parents need not fret about their tech savvy kids removing the device on their own, as the Network Purifier has a locking mechanism that, if removed forcibly or tampered with in any way, will wipeout the contents of the computer’s hard drive.

Not surprisingly, many religious institutions are supporting the development of the Network Purifier. It is already being recommended to many people. Peters claims their intention is not that noble or enlightened. “Actually, the initial aim of the network purifier is to limit porn in the workplace. Porn hinders productivity, and without porn, not only will a lot more things be accomplished, but it also evades certain sexual harassment issues and other delicate matters.”

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