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Nothing Is More Comforting than Local Porn

It used to be that local porn was merely a term for the shady adult novelty store down the street, and the idea making an amateur porn movie in your own bedroom was considered perverted and risky. But with the emergence of inexpensive digital video cameras and ubiquitous webcams, nowadays it seems like everyone is getting in on the amateur porn act. Community websites that allow and even encourage the sharing of amateur porn only fuel the flames for couples, or individuals wanting to share their sexual activities with the rest of the online world.

All this adds up to a new definition of local porn, as it now represents what the term actually implies: porn produced locally, by local amateurs you may have even run into at the supermarket. The ability to track IP addresses locally, makes this genre of porn an ideal platform for introducing social networking functions to amateur porn sites, as local porn serves as a medium for collaboration, socialization, and creative expression of artistic emotion – and oh yeah – SEX!

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