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Content Providers are Loving Mature Porn Pay Per View Business Models

It may have taken a while to develop the technology to back streaming videos, and consumers are just now migrating en masse to this new breed of service, but make no mistake about it, the future of the online adult industry is a mature porn pay per view business revenue model that provides customers with flexible payment options that cater to their personal viewing habits rather than restrictive subscription services that lose relevance one their content is downloaded and illegally redistributed all over the Web.

Content providers love the new services now that they have grown into mature porn pay per view services, because they utilize technologies that keep content off of customers computers so that replicating and redistributing does not threaten to cannibalize their own production efforts. For users that insist on owning a hard copy of their adult movies, they can pay a premium for this ability, and thus production studios have a means of being fairly compensated for their work.

Consumers benefit from mature porn pay per view services because they are ensured of having limitless supplies of fresh hot content in such a wide range of genres and sub-genres that they are guaranteed to find something that appeals to their specific fetish or fantasy. Despite not having ownership of the content itself, pay per view customers unanimously agree that paying only for the actual time you spend watching the movie itself- which is essentially the time you’re pleasuring yourself- is a greater value for their money than subscription sites that often offer much less than promised once you hand over your credit card and log into the service. Pay per view services have the most diverse and recent releases, and only charge you for the time you spend watching movies: so you really get exactly what you pay for.

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