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Why Men Pay to View Porn

Since so many women stress themselves out over trying to figure out why men are willing to pay to view porn, even when they claim to be totally sexually fulfilled by their wives, I’ve prepared a summary explanation that I hope will make you better understand his masturbatory habits. You might even find, that with a little open-mindedness, you too might be compelled to pay as you view porn with a greater sense of it’s ability to stimulate your libido and make your intimate time with your partner even more exciting than ever.

Assuming that you’re not asking why it’s a good idea to pay as you view porn verses watching free porn- which is almost exclusively either cheap amateur stuff, illegally pirated content, or loaded with viruses and spyware- I’ll assume that you’re more generally interested in what compels a man to spend his money and free time to the point where he is willing to pay to view porn. The answer is simple: he’s horny, and if he’s normal, he’s probably been pleasuring himself quite regularly since he was a little boy.

Recognize that porn didn’t become a billion-dollar industry because no one wanted to watch it; it’s just one of this things that makes a hypocrite out of virtually any man who broaches the topic in formal company, and the truth is that a substantial majority of American men have decided in the past to pay to view porn.

And don’t just to the conclusion that just because your man perpetually jerks off to porn that he doesn’t find you sexually fulfilling: actually, if you’re giving him regular sex, then he’s probably raging with hormones, which not only makes him a more passionate lover, but also makes him want it more often than your tender koochie can probably handle- unless you’re oozing with passion juices yourself. And since watching porn can even stimulate sexual hormone activity in women, occasionally succumbing to the urge to pay as you view porn might from time to time help you keep up with his raging sexual affection for you.

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