I would venture to guess that almost every subscriber at a regular subscription porn site would get more adult content for their money if they would join a pay by minute porn site like PornPPV.net. When you add up the total amount of time you actually get to spend watching the movies themselves, when you pay for porn by the minute you get way more bang for your buck that when you pre-pay for access to the movies, which essentially means you’re paying for all the time you’re spending looking for videos to watch and waiting for them to download, rather than just having to pay by the minute.
Porn sites that offer pay by minute porn content usually offer minutes in packages of up to 1000 minutes for around $85- that’s just about 8.5 cents per minute and you’re only paying for the time you spend actually watching the movies, which makes pay-by-the-minute porn sites a much more relaxed atmosphere to spend time browsing to find the stuff you really want to watch.
Unlike sites that let you pay by the minute, porn sites that charge subscriptions also tend to pull a sneaky credit card trick whereby they automatically recharge your account every month, which can lead to astronomical bills for those who do not monitor their statements each month, and are virtually impossible to reverse. Pay by minute porn, in contrast, let’s you keep your pre-paid minutes for as long as you want, giving you the convenience to space out your porn watching habits to suit your schedule, and come back for more anytime you please. Go ahead and add up how much time you actually spend watching the porn you pay for, and see how much the cost is spread out over how much porn you actually get to watch- you might be surprised to find that you’ll get a much better value if you head over to a site that let’s you pay for porn by the minute.