With endless offers for porn content ranging from free to ultra-exclusive live web-chat rooms, the question for most adult consumers is how much should you pay for porn to maximize your viewing pleasure. While the actual number varies according to financial situation and overall sexual appetite, I’d venture to guess that the average porn viewer has between $0 and $50 of disposable income that they are willing to spend directly on porn media content to pay for porn movies and pay for porn sites, buy DVDs, etc.
So let’s assume that the average porn viewer spends at most $50 a month to pay for porn: this equates to about 2 DVDs, or subscription service to 1 mega-porn site or perhaps 2-3 smaller niche porn sites. Each of these methods proves a convenient way to pay for porn, but when you look at the actual amount of content you’ve bought from these content formats, you’ll find that you’re not really getting all that much when you choose these methods to pay for porn movies and you should take a closer look at the numbers to understand what you’re getting when you pay 4 porn.
Take at look at what pay-per-view adult models offer as a benchmark price per minute of what it should cost to pay for porn. The most basic packages start at 15 minutes of adult content of your choice, for which you will pay $4. Porn sites with pay per view models often bundle their minutes into larger packages to allow you to buy an average of 500 minutes for $50 to pay for porn. Sites with these structures offer a far greater value for adult media enthusiasts especially if they do not tend to re-watch the same content over and over.
For comparison, 2 DVDs contain only about 240 combined minutes of total content- much of which is boring scene development crap that serves no real value to the average stroker, and likewise, subscription sites that require tedious downloads may have tons of content, but unless you’ve got a server farm of computers stashed in your basement running downloads all day, you’re going to waste a ton of time using this method to pay for porn.