Women can be a tough lot to convince that there is any real difference whether you spend your money and pay for sex, porn, or going to strip clubs. But make no mistake about it, when it comes to forgiving and forgetting, you’re bound to find a very different reaction from them depending on whether you’re caught with a prostitute verses getting caught red… er… lube-handed.
Prostitutes may provide the ultimate satisfaction, but there certainly a distinct line drawn having actual sex with another woman, and watching another woman have sex on a computer or TV screen. Unlike when you pay for sex, porn is just a fantasy, and the most you’ll have to explain to your wife is that it turns you on, you’re a guy, and you still think she’s the sexiest woman in the world. While you might go as far as imagining having sex with the starlets you watch getting banged on screen, there’s no way your wife can pin that on you, and if you want to imagine you’re banging those starlets instead of your wife, well, just don’t cry out “Oh Yeah Jenna!” (unless, of course, your wife’s name really is Jenna).
Strip clubs are the fuzzy grey area that blur the line between paid sex and porn. Certainly the legal premise of strip clubs has nothing to do with actual sexual intercourse, and one could argue that its more like watching porn that when you pay for sex; porn is just on a screen and strippers are the live theater version. The trouble starts with lapdances and bubbles over into touching and feeling (and more?) in the private champagne rooms. Whether you actually even get a lap dance or not, there’s a load of suspicion waiting for you at the door when you come home from a strip club. That’s why I just stay home a beat off to my favorite porn vids: it’s just much less of a hassle.