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Pay On Demand Porn Is the New Format of Choice

Like ordering food a-la-carte, pay on demand porn gives you exactly what you want, when you want it, with none of the fluff and unneeded crap that doesn’t suit your interests. Who has time to run down to the local video store, let alone one that carries adult titles, to go pick up the latest DVD releases? I don’t even like having to carry my purchases from my car back to my home for fear of some nosy neighbor stopping me to ask me how I’m doing, getting into some meaningless conversation, and then having them casually ask me what’s in my shopping bag.

Pay on demand porn comes right through the Internet connection to my house, and with my brand new 42” plasma screen monitor (which I’ve also connected to my standard TV cable programming), I can use my computer to watch the hottest adult content right in my living room without ever having to leave the house. This is especially appreciated during those deep freeze winters we’ve been having recently, and it’s turning out to be quite a money saver as well.

When you consider that I never watch the same porn DVD twice, and fast forward through all the credits, pay on demand porn is less than half the cost of a new adult DVD bought at retail pricing. Think about it, it usually costs $24.95 or even $29.95 per title to buy a new adult DVD in hardcopy format, but at just $.08 per minute for your average 90 minute flick, I’m only paying $7.20 to watch the same thing. I can even watch it three more times and still be paying less than buying the movie once. But if you’re like me, you’re already thinking about the next adult movie you’re going to watch, and with on demand services, you can be watching a new flick right as the credits begin to roll on the old one.

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