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How To Make Life Pass By Like Pay-Per-Minute Porn Movies

Life is complicated. With the numerous schools of thought designed to make life simpler than it actually is, one philosophy embraces the fulfillment of one’s basic needs to achieve that goal. One can actually follow the lessons of pay per minute porn and apply it to one’s way of life. Indeed, it is an unorthodox medium from which to derive any form of improvement, but this does make sense. For a man who wishes to lead a simple life, one must choose to do things in the simplest way possible.

This pay per minute programs work by using the best form of minimalism available. A person who wishes to indulge in the joys of pornographic materials no longer needs to spend more than what he or she is actually using. The cost of enjoyment is only equal to the actual amount of enjoyment patronized.

By the same token, life can be lived in such a manner. By focusing on the needs more than the wants, and maintaining a sense of contentment through the achievement of one’s basic goals, the quality of one’s life would be greatly improved. It is existentialist in principle. If essence comes after existence, and one would not devote one’s self to a misleading sense of purpose, the chance of disappointment or dissonance is greatly decreased.

To expect nothing more of life than what is initially agreed upon, or determined by the person in control of his own life, one will always achieve what is expected. There is a correlation between what one hopes to happen and what one considers to be inevitable. A mere lessening of the hope factor and further analysis of the inevitable would yield only satisfactory results. If one chooses to eliminate extremes and over abundance, one is able to live within the sphere of one’s own control.

Of course, opposing opinions would point out the diminishing of the human potential. When a person abandons any ambition to achieve the unthinkable progress of not only the individual but society in general would be hindered. Alas, that is where valuing comes to play. Determine what is truly important, and focus on maintaining the achievement of merely the vital parts of one’s existence. Like porn that you pay for by the minute, there would be a great reduction of the unnecessary, in essence giving the doer a clear cut sense of direction and purpose.

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