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Why Buy the Whole DVD When you Can Pay Per Porn Video?

While Payperview porn has long been established as a standard format in hotels, due to business models reaching back to the legacy of VHS and BetaMAX video tapes, home viewing of adult content has largely been confined to DVD sales and Internet downloads. These distribution models usually require customers to buy adult titles outright, rather than allow them to pay per porn movie they watch either as they watch it. When you consider that most DVDs retail for between $15-$25 per title and are of little interest after they have been watched even just one time, the prospect of being able to pay a reasonable fee to simply watch a movie provides a more affordable means of accessing adult content for the average viewer.

Now that high-speed Internet is available in most homes across the country, payperview porn distribution models are making a comeback, as the fickle online adult community seems to be willing to pay smaller amounts to see just the porn they’re interested in, and do not necessarily need to own the content outright. Why buy something you’re only going to watch once when you can pay a fraction of the purchase price to see the same content, and only pay per porn title you actually watch?

With payperview porn becoming more widely adopted by adult content distributors who are concerned about the illegal copying and re-distribution of their privileged content, it is expected that the pay per porn model will become an expanding keystone of the industry, as it has since the early days of hotel porn.

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