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When it Comes to Pay Per View Porn, UK Viewers and Producers Agree It Saves Money

In the global audience for pay per view porn, UK viewers stand at the top of the list of countries that have adopted this new adult media business model- and for good reason. Unlike traditional adult media companies that provided their services on the subscription model, pay per view porn resolves problems encountered by both consumers and the production companies that produce the sexy content that drives the adult porn industry.

Unlike American consumers, who hardly seem aware of how credit cards really operate and tend to treat them as cash in hand rather than an advancement of an interest bearing loan, British consumers seem to use their credit cards primarily for larger purchases such as down payments on automobiles or purchasing expensive home electronics equipment, rather than for everyday purchases. They are also more educated as to how these continuous rebilling schemes employed by most adult subscription based services, and so they tend to support models whose costs are limited and more transparent, such as the model that delivers pay per view porn.

UK adult media production companies are also encouraged to adopt the pay per view model for distributing their fresh porn offerings, as it is generally seamlessly streamed to consumers and does not have to be downloaded to a consumers computer in order for them to watch the movie, which virtually eliminates the chance that people could illegally distribute valuable proprietary content with pay per view porn. UK companies that have adopted this model have been growing fast, as customers seem to have given their blessing to this new business model, largely due to the convenience and transparency of the billing models, and also because these sites offer a tremendous selection of titles and users only have to pay for when they are watching, with the ability to control what they watch so they only spend money watching the good stuff that really fits their personal erotic preferences.

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