Anyone who’s ever stayed in a decent travel hotel knows about pay per view porn video that can be ordered on demand straight to your hotel room. As kids, many of us abused the 10-minute free preview offered by the hotel in order to screen pay per view porn videos for their tantalizing opening scenes- only to be faced with explaining embarrassing $15 movie charges to our confused parents during checkout. While the service is almost too convenient, it makes one wonder if this is something they can get streamed to their own homes.
While there are premium movie channels such as the Playboy Channel and even HBO has late-night adult-themed entertainment, none of this really matches the hardcore programming available in true pay per view porn videos. Traditional adult Internet sites also provide tons of videos that you can download- if you don’t mind holding your dick in your hand while you wait twenty minutes for a five-minute movie to download, and DVDs give you content at your fingertips, but are expensive and loose freshness fast. So what is the solution for the porn aficionado who wants high-quality porn delivered immediately to their home at an affordable price?
How about watching pay per view porn videos through the Internet? Great idea. With high-speed Internet in virtually every home in America, sites like give you access to millions of pay per view porn videos instantly, and you only pay for the movies you actually watch, and only for time you actually spend watching the movies. If you’ve spent a fortune on DVDs or monthly subscription sites that get boring after the first night of enjoyment, then watching pay per view porn videos would be a better management of your expenses: and it’s now available through the Internet right to your home.