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Free Pay Per View Porn Reviews Save you Time and Money

You can take your time finding the titles you want to watch and make sure you find content that best suits your adult tastes with pay per view porn reviews that fill you in on the action before you pay. Ever wasted hours on a subscription porn site trying to rush through slowly loading user interfaces, endless menus, and complex toolbars only wait anxiously for a download only find that the content didn’t really match the porn pay site’s reviews?

If you’re like most of us, you like to know what it is you’re getting before you pay. Porn reviews that explain why the title you’re considering is relevant to your fetish fantasies help viewers save time in accessing content- but that’s no real incentive for traditional porn pay sites. Reviews on these sites are often very limited in scope, often vague or even generic in the actual copy, and do little to enhance the readers understanding of what they’re going to be watching after enduring a lengthy download process.

Compare that to the average pay porn review at a pay-per-minute site that only bills customers for the actual time they spend watching content from their selections of movies. Of course, since these sites rely on having their customers actually watch something before they have to pay, reviews on these pay-per-view sites serve as sales pitches to entice viewers to access the content, with an added incentive for streaming the media to the view in as quickly a method as possible.

The type of business model a site operates under says a lot about a porn pay site’s reviews, and when you think of which model provides more value to the customer, it seems that the incentives behind the pay as you watch models serve to better inform and educate the customer about their product, and removes any incentive to stall the downloading time of videos in order to reduce bandwidth bills.

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