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How Do Adult Websites Pay Porn Videos Studios for their Content?

When you realize that most adult websites are reselling the same content from major production houses, it makes you wonder how adult websites compete and pay porn videos’ producers for making this smut in the first place. While some sites pay porn video producers for exclusive licenses for their movies or sex scenes, and attempt to justify these expenses by ensuring that a minimum number of people subscribe to their subscription services, my pay porn site- PornPPV.net- has developed a more directly calculable method to pay porn videos’ producers, but sharing revenue from pay per minute transactions that reward content providers for the time spent by our audience actually watching the featured content.

This business model more directly lends itself to other ROI measurements for assessing the performance and budgeting of my pay porn site. For example, I am able to quantify the profitability of every bite of media data that I pay in terms of bandwidth costs according to the price paid for this exact bandwidth charged to my consumers. This ensures that I am always profitable, while still affording me a gracious margin with which to pay porn video producers who give me the content I need to run my pay porn services in the first place.

So really, I don’t know how the other services make it work, other than the fact that I see many of them adjusting their business models to work more like mine. It could very well be that the days of the subscription model that was based on a premise to pay porn videos’ producers for their content ahead of time are quickly coming to an end, and the future holds great promise for those operating under the pay per view adult content model: for both production house, webmaster, and adult media consumer alike.

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