Many of us know that when you pay to watch porn online, you tend to get better results than having to spend hours trying to download free porn off the Internet only to find that much of it is copyright protected or otherwise tainted with vicious spyware or other harmful software. When you pay for online porn, you almost always get more high-quality images, hotter actors, and fresher, steamier content.
The reasons for this are simple, when you pay to watch porn, you provide an impetus as a consumer for director’s, producers, and models alike to be compensated for the hard work and financial investment that goes into making a top-quality adult production. Due to file sharing services that often allow viewers to circumnavigate licensing laws that protect those responsible for manufacturing the porn that permeates the Internet, many online sites that feature the most compelling adult content are moving towards models that allow customers to pay as you watch porn, in order to restrain any possible re-distribution abilities of customers, and to allow them to continue to produce high quality material.
All this leads to benefit the consumer, as without these production houses that make money when you pay for porn we would have no new movies every week, and if you never had to pay to watch porn online, you’d probably never see much more than amateur productions put up on video sites like YouPorn. If you ask me, it’s worth shelling out a fair sum of cash to get porn that is top quality, and ensures there will be more of the same coming to my computer screen in the future, and it’s really not that expensive: these new pay-per-view models have price packages that can bring the cost of porn per minute down to less than that of your average local toll call.