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Watch the Best Porn Movies, Pay as You Go

With top quality adult studios releasing new productions virtually every week, it would cost a fortune to keep up with all the freshest content of your favorite starlets if you bought them the way most collectors traditionally buy porn movies; pay for the DVDs as they are released. This comes to a substantial part of the average stroker’s salary, and driving to the adult video store and even ordering online are slow means of satisfying one’s immediate desire for a newly released porn movie.

Pay per view sites, on the other hand, give you instant streaming access to new porn movies, pay only for the stuff you want, and then only for the time you actually spend watching the content. If fresh content is your thing, which is it for most of it, you’re simply going to get more bang for your buck at pay-per-view and video-on-demand sites than buying DVD’s one by one. DVD format porn movies pay only if you are content to watch the same video over and over and over again: and at $29.95 a piece, you’d have to watch the same movie more than 6 times to equal the amount of content you can watch at many porn movie pay-per-view sites.

When you do the math over porn DVDs vs. streaming media formats that allow you to pay as you go when watching porn movies, pay attention to your budget and how you’re spending your money, as well as your time, as there is a steep price for the perceived convenience of DVDs, when in fact this format option is far less convenient for the average person with high-speed internet access and a credit card, which defines most of us average porn watchers. If you haven’t heard of porn pay-per-view, check it out- it could save you a lot of time and money. Best Porn sites are pay as you go sites, or at least that’s what you will be thinking after you try one!

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