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Search Porn Videos by Genre: Over 140 Categories!

With literally hundreds of millions of adult sites on the Internet offering billions of porn videos under various license programs(or unlicensed), the average porn enthusiast can waste hours of time trying to search porn video libraries for content that suits his or her sexual taste. File sharing networks, as well as sites that offer ‘Free’ downloads are often fraught with viruses, spyware, and other destructive software applications embedded into the porn videos- leaving viewers with a real mess to deal with on their computer’s (once they’ve dealt with the mess on their hands). Likewise, many subscription services only provide a small offering of porn videos in any given ‘fetish niche’, making it difficult for the average spender to justify $40 a month for a service that gets stale after only a few jerk-off sessions.

Enter PornPPV.net, with a pay-per-view licensing structure that allows you to search porn videos according to over 140 fine-tuned fetish genres, and spend as little as you want for just as much content as you actually watch. Why pay for the whole porn video if you’re only going to watch the opening scene once and move on to fresher content? At PornPPV.net, customers can choose between a number of flexible licensing options, including the option to watch by the minute or by the movie, or can also rent access to the title for a number of days, or can even download to own if they want to be able to watch their porn video whenever they want.

Additionally, while some avid collectors might find a large adult DVD collection to be a testament to one’s devotion to porn videos, keeping your personal porn library online keeps your fetish fantasies safe from embarrassing prying eyes, in-laws, spouses, and housekeepers.

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