When you’re looking for the widest selection of hardcore adult videos, whether you’re into black, Asian, gay or just plain old straight porn, pay per view sites like PornPPV.net have such a large diversity of content that you’re bound to find more than just a sampling of even the most obscure porn genres. With literally thousands of videos in their massive porn libraries, both gay and straight porn pay per view customers alike will be able to find hundreds of hours of interesting erotic scenes that suit their personal erection inspiring fantasies all in one site.
“How does this benefit the consumer?” you might ask. Well, for starters, by aggregating this wide selection of content under one site, you get all the benefits of a mass economy of scale, such as lower prices, greater selection, and greater number of viewing and purchasing features. For example, a niche gay porn site may have spent tens of thousands of dollars building their site with even limited streaming video features. In order to recoup that investment from a small niche market, that site will need to charge its customers a premium in order to offset the initial development costs, and will not likely be able to justify implementing a wide assortment of accessibility options, payment methods, or security features (which is extra important in the private lives of most fetish porn consumers).
A large website with a massive video library, on the other hand, can cater to a wide variety of consumer tastes by offering the same service providing features from a single site and cover even the most obscure genres contained in the spectrum of fetish fantasies from gay all the way to straight. Porn pay per view models allow this to work due to the massive number of customers that can be served by what amounts to the same initial investment of capital- only the concentration of markets allows for an even greater initial investment, which ultimately means everyone gets even more features at a lower price.