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Teen Porn Videos Confiscated By Neighborhood Morality Group

In an effort to ”clean up” their local neighborhood, a self-appointed group of vigilantes known as the Big Determined Soldiers of Morality or the BDSM has confiscated piles upon piles of teen porn videos from the residents of a small town in Missouri. The porn videos came in the form of DVDs, VHS tapes and even entire hard drives were seized and destroyed by the BDSM.

“We will not stop until every shred of this filth has been cleansed from our pure neighborhood” said the BDSM head honcho known only as Papa Bear. Bear is the individual that put together the BDSM nearly a year ago, after he discovered his own niece was partaking in some rather immoral acts involving a porn fanatic. Bear insists that all of the youth’s “immoral” behavior was brought forth by the proliferation of pornographic materials, and has since started a very aggressive and sometimes irrational campaign to wipeout what he believes is a threat to his community’s way of life.

Discovering several individuals willing to don the mask and pursue what many believe is an insane quest. One resident vehemently disagrees with the BDSM’s primary canon and methods. “It’s this holier-than-thou bullshit that makes the world more fucked up than it should be” said a guy named Brian, who despite never having seen a single porn video in his life, hates the BDSM to a superlative degree. “If there is something that offends you, then look away. There’s nothing criminal about watching porn. You can’t expect the rest of the world to adjust to you just because you can’t accept something.”

When asked to comment on this, Papa Bear just shrugged and cursed under his breath. “What does that guy know? This is about pride and principles. About standing up for what’s right by any means necessary. If he or anyone else can’t handle that, then he and everyone else is welcome to try and stop us. We’re doing this for their own good. Fucking ingrates.”

Local authorities have strangely turned a blind eye on these moral vigilantes. Chief Inspector O’Hara argues that no crime has been committed and the matter is still not a concern. “We don’t know who they are. We don’t know anything. And so far, they haven’t broken the law. The porn materials they destroyed were voluntarily given to them by concerned citizens. Once they break the law, then we’ll nail these guys.”

Until then, these fanatics are feared to escalate their actions.

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