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Teen Porno Movies Make Me Feel Old

As I trace my personal history on the Internet, I can’t help but admit that much of what first brought me to the Internet was the promise of ‘FREE’ teen porn movies. Being able to watch porn movies online was the epitome of the times. In 8th grade, my first friend to get the Internet into his own bedroom had a bunch of us over, and for the first time in my life, rather than spending all night playing Street Fighter II on the SNES or watching movies, we all huddled around his computer to watch him download about 30 seconds worth of teen porn. Movies on the Internet weren’t much back then, and the low-definition loop was pathetic by today’s Flash-loaded websites, but the ability to see girls just a few years older than myself doing things I had only seen in occasional magazines and the rare VHS porn pilfered from a friends parent’s closet, was priceless.

Then I got my first high-speed connection when I went to college, and teen porno movies were readily available through new file sharing systems like Napster and Limewire. I remember the first time I saw a full length porn movie on my computer in my frat house, and thinking, “these girls could be girls in my classes”, I felt as though I’d reached the ‘age of the pornstars’.

Now I’m pushing 30, and teens are the forbidden fruit- not so much a problem to watch teen porn from the comfort of my own home, but dating an 18 year old would certainly garner dirty looks and fair bit of gossip from my peers. It seems that in some ways I have outgrown the starlets of teen porn, and makes me reflect on the fact that the Internet has been a part of my life for nearly 15 years, and in that time, I seem to have actually grown older. I guess sometimes I wish my age would be preserved for eternity, just as the youth of a teen starlet is captured on camera and preserved forever in the timeless realm of the Internet.

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