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Top Porn Sites To Be Certified For Quality

In an effort to to separate the top quality porn from its lesser counterparts, the Global Porn Council (GPC) has declared that it would launch a standard of quality certification for all of porn, starting with the world’s top porn sites. The main objective of this project is to ensure that the consumer has a clear idea of what to expect before subscribing or becoming a member to any particular website.

The head of the GPC, Jack “Thunderballs” Spears explains the rationale behind the GPC’s rather unusual project. “It’s not really unusual at all. We have the Better Business Bureau and other organizations whose purpose is to watch out for the consumers’ interest. That is one of the lesser known functions of the GPC. This is our way of ensuring the longevity of the porn industry by taking care of our audience.”

“Imagine subscribing to a pay site that has a great tour but when you actually start paying you discover that it’s shit. True, you can just cancel membership at any time, but it would still be a waste of time and money. The GPC grading certificates would let our clientele know what they can expect for their hard earned bucks.”

Several questions have been raised regarding the process of grading and the integrity of some of the judgments in quality the GPC would be doing. Spears assures the people that the grading system would be completely objective with the criteria completely laid out. Also, to ensure the accuracy of a certain sites grade, each website would have to go through examination from three different sets of board members. The websites have to pass all three board reviews iin order to garner a perfect score.

Currently, the criteria for judging are still being determined by the head honchos of the GPC. Despite being the industry’s leading experts, the GPC is still doing extensive research as to what does qualify as a top notch porn site. Spears adds, “Taking into consideration the numerous genres of porn, and the different fan bases these sites have, this would take some time. We are aiming for the highest possible level of accuracy with our reviews, so we’re definitely taking into consideration the dedicated fans of each and every genre. Further analysis is still definitely required. But, we do plan on finishing up and implementing the grading come March of next year. There is just no way we’re doing this half-assed.”

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