The act of watching porn has always been frowned upon by conservative parties for years. Now, they have managed to come up with a brand new reason to hate the universally beloved hobby. They are now claiming that porn and the habit of viewing it are the reasons many civilizations have been faced with nothing but doom.
Their claim is based on many signs of times that define today’s generation. They even have gone as far as to blame the economic downfall to watching adult movies and videos.
Rev. Alfred Brand has revealed many of this new mentality’s sources. “Back in the ancient times, many empires were doomed once they have fallen into decadence. The corruption of a public figure has always been linked to godlessness, and there are many cases wherein the only thing that could have stopped any recession was a solid moral stand. In time, when all the unfortunate things have all piled up on top of each other producing extraordinarily hard times, someone will be pointing that out. There will always be a group of people who would lay the blame on some fort of moral degeneracy.”
There are some key points that would reinforce the claim that porn could very well be responsible for pushing society closer into oblivion. The crash of the market can be indirectly tied in to the popularity of porn. While the majority of the world are becoming closer and closer into poverty, the porn industry still manages to thrive. This shows that more people are pouring their hard earned cash into the porn industry rather than into investments that could hopefully turn the economy around.
The corruption of political leaders can also be attributed — in no small part — to pornography. Porn has been blamed for the moral degradation of the youth for several decades now, and it would come to no surprise if those who grew up to be world leaders indulged in porn in their younger days.
The bottom line is that the act of indulging in porn produces less disciplined individuals. With a generally liberated society would possess neither the emotional and physical control needed to strive for a better future nor the strength of character required to see problems through. The problem is, though, that there are very few laws that would diminish the grip porn has on society.
“If any of these arguments hold at least some truth in them, then we are doomed Brand concluded.”