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Watching Porn Ignites Man To Create Art

Watching porn movies has a lot of different effects to the viewer. Mostly it’s a stimulant, upon viewing you get caught up in the action that’s taking place in your screen. You wonder why shit like that never happened to you. A man from Hoboken uses the medium to create something different. He makes murals and portraits while viewing pornographic movies. The man, William, admits that porn movies have been his muse.

“It started when I was in college, or a little after that.” William admits. “It was hard to be a struggling artist in the big city. I don’t know how many odd jobs I held as I strove to make a living with my art. But I had gone to a dry spell. Nothing inspired me. My brush lay flaccid in my hand a lot, missing his muse.”

William claims that he had in his youth, never had any trouble with producing works of art. And with his mind cluttered with practical concerns William had opted to use that for a nice sketch comedy show or skit, perhaps even an angsty independent comic. Frustrated, he put on a porn movie in the VCR hoping he could at the very least work some of his stress off. What happened was something totally unexpected and something William absolutely loved.

While many would use different kind sof strokes while watching adult movies, William only had one, and that is the stroke of the brush. While viewing the said video, William found himself unnecessarily doodling. Once a particular scene was over, William realized that his doodle was one of the better doodles he had ever done. He tried experimenting, painting on canvas as he watched. What resulted was one of his critical successes, and financial, at the time.

“It was like magic you know, it was like someone was guiding my hand when those movies are playing. And it wasn’t ike my paintings took on a pornographic form. From some reason sex was the last thing on my mind while watching pornographic material.”

Indeed, William’s work rarely even includes the human form. From abstract impressionism to towering tributes to structures like the Great Wall of China, William creates art that was totally irrelevant to porn. “I must say, I love it. If I had known would have such an effect on me and my art, I would have been painting while watching since I was 16.”

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