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Beloved Public Figure To Shake It on Amateur Pay Per View

A local Canadian celebrity who has been suffering from obscurity is about to make a huge debut on amateur pay per view porn. Trent Luborsky is a teen actor from the early Nineties whose name is mentioned in the same breath as such luminaries like Corey Haim, Pauly Shore and many others. He was made popular in a Canadian sitcom “What’s Up, Eh?” before melting the hearts of many Canadian teens in his role in the teen drama series “Manitoba Dreams”. It was playing the role of Casey, a rebellious teen with great hair and trademark acid washed jeans, that propelled Trent it local super-stardom.

However, as is the case with most young stars, life in the fast lane was too much for Trent. After riding the wave of massive local popularity, Trent was not able to transition into other roles once the show was canceled. This caused Trent severe depression, which he tried to fight using the wrong methods. Within two years after “Manitoba Dreams” was canceled, Trent had officially hit rock bottom.

Now, nearly twenty years after his career was nearly flushed down the toilet, Trent has found a way to get himself in the spotlight once more. He is now promoting an adult sex video which he would only put up on the Internet on pay per view. Trent believes that this will be the ultimate tribute to his loyal fans.

The movie is called “Manitoba Screams”, which will feature the failed actor once again in his trademark jeans. Of course, it would be a safe assumption that Trent will not be wearing those jeans for the majority of the movie.

“This is my way of giving back to my fans” said the actor who was questionably sober. “This movie will feature me showing a side of myself that I never got to show while I was on TV. Except maybe to the handful of extras and make up artists that I’ve banged on the set.”

As an added treat to fans of the locally syndicated show, Trent claims that there will be more than a few surprise cameos from the original cast of the once beloved show. “Yup, this one’s for all those loyal fans who never forgot how awesome it was back in the nineties! TV shows today just suck, eh?

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