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The King of Monsters Invades Japanese Porn Videos

Just when you thought Japanese porn videos can’t get any more off beat, a production company in Japan is in the works of producing a brand new Godzilla movie, porn style! The King of Monsters, had become a pop culture icon ever since he first appeared on the big screen, terrorizing Tokyo and forever adding a new Japanese stereotype in everyone’s minds.

Godzilla’s instant success and cult following led to numerous sequels which turned the terrifying giant lizard into a protagonist. Godzilla was shown mindlessly protecting Japan against other large monsters like Mothra, Ghidora and even a mechanized version of the Big Lizard himself. This upcoming incarnation of Godzilla is going to indeed be a porno, but the producers are vowing to honor Godzilla’s tradition.

“We are not going to short change fans with a disgraceful version of Godzilla” said producer Hideko Yamaguchi. “The movie will still have some awesome clashes with other monsters, and there will also be hot hardcore sex scenes involving the human characters as well as the monsters themselves.”

Fans have reacted to the rumors of this upcoming movies, pointing out that in the classic Godzilla vs. Mecha-Godzilla flick, the beloved abomination was not only one of its kind, but also a hermaphrodite, and showing Godzilla having sex with anything would be ridiculous. Yamaguchi requests for the fans faith. “I have grown up loving the Godzilla mythos, and I will not do anything to disrespect the canon. The script is wonderful and true to the originals, and the details would be revealed in the movie itself.”

Yamaguchi also confirms appearances from other Godzilla characters. “Ghidorah, the three headed serpent, would definitely have a major role in the movie, and Biolante, the living plant will also appear. Both creatures, with one’s multiple heads and the other’s numerous tendrils would make for very shocking sex scenes.”

Regarding the special effects, Yamaguchi has revealed that they will go through the old school approach and will be utilizing rubber suits instead of CGI. The movie is also more story driven than your average porn. “The premise is basically the same as the old Godzilla movies” said Yamaguchi. “Only instead of the humans trying to defend against a rampaging monster destroying Tokyo, they will be defending against two monsters destroying Tokyo while having sex.”

No confirmation, however, verifying the rumors that popular Japanese porn star Maria Ozawa will be involved in the project.

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