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Vampire-Themed Live Porn Anyone?

Two recently released blockbusters are greatly affecting the way live porn is now being produced. With the popularity of the movie “Paranormal Activity”, there have been many who have attempted to emulate its very realistic style. The Twilight franchise, with its recent release “New Moon”, has made everyone undergo a vampire craze not seen since “Interview with a Vampire” hit theaters.

A small yet ambitious production outfit are putting these two supernatural themes together. They also mix it up with hardcore sex scenes to create a realistic vampire themed porn movie entitled “Paranormal Activities During Twilight”.

The story is about a young woman who has an obsession with video recording every moment in her life. These videos document the very boring life in the small town she resides in. She is a girl with big ideas and a big heart, both of which she feels are diminishing due to a less than colorful existence. In comes a roving vampire, who at first tries to drain her of her blood, but somehow falls in love with her character and wit. They then chronicle every chapter of their life together, producing some of the raunchiest sex tapes ever created. As the story progresses, other characters come into play. The movie promises to be full of vampire on human love scenes, werewolf orgies, vampire threesomes and even a vampire on werewolf bestiality scene.

Every scene is captured by a singular camera, creating an amateurish effect that many fans would truly appreciate. The creators of the film also promise a dramatic surprise twist in the end.

“This is the type of porn that many people would definitely get into” said producer and closet Twilight fanatic David Marsters. “We have assembled a beautiful cast f top notch performers and our writers have crafted a story for the ages. There’s something for everyone here. In fact, if it wasn’t for the really hardcore sex stuff, I think we have made a truly high quality romance movie.”

“Paranormal Activities During Twilight” is set to go straight to DVD in the coming year. It boasts a full load of special features. Besides the outtakes, the DVD will also feature an image gallery, a special commentary and three alternate endings. This movie definitely deserves a proud place in anyone’s DVD collection. The one that is usually hidden in a special compartment in one’s closet, along with a few dirty mags and a box of condoms.

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