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Strange Video Sex Footage Baffles Everyone

In the sleepy town of St. Kevin in Dakota, a silence has been broken that would inevitably ruin the community forever. The small, God-worshipping town had never come to expect that anyone of its resident would ever engage in video sex, and no one definitely expected that footage to show up in the most unlikely of places.

The majority of the residents of the small town make it a point to go to the local Catholic Church every Sunday morning. Nearly all of the townspeople show up for this mass that holding a second mass have been deemed unnecessary. Every Sunday morning, the peaceful St. Kevin folk sing and pray as one community. On one particular Sunday morning though, things have changed forever. An unknown individual had somehow infiltrated the church’s secured video projector and programmed it to transit the footage of two of the town’s resident’s doing the insidious act of fornicating over the Internet for all the town’s folk to see.

The participants of the vile sex act were in attendance of that same Mass, and the two endured several minutes of the entire town’s disdain. The scandal has the entire town in an uproar, and the mysterious identity of the person who had projected their images in the church has yet to be discovered. There have been a few suspects in the couple’s mind.

“I think it’s that creepy guy from the store” claimed Sally May, the once virginal girl next door. He’s always just outside the store, leering at me whenever I come by to pick up the groceries.” One problem with this theory is that the aforementioned weirdo, Lloyd, is not competent enough to pull off something even close to the scale of what was done to Sally May and her lover, Tom.

Everyone is assuming that the incident was nothing but a prank by the local computer whiz kids. “If it is a prank it’s a pretty sick one” said Tom. “That was a private between me and Sally May. No one had a right to do what they did. I don’t care who it is that did it. Once I find him, or her, or them, I will personally put them through as much humiliation as they put me and Sally May through.”

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